Merry Fitmas

Merry Fitmas and a Happy Fit Year!

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Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Whether you are reading this in December or June, I am wishing you all of the joy, health, wealth, and love that your heart can stand! During my Merry Fitmas & a Happy Fit Year video, I ask you to reflect on your past year of fitness and to create a vision for the next 365 days of your fitness journey.

If you met your goals, well done! If you didn’t that’s okay. What healthy choice can you make right now? Yes, now. Could you do 5 jumping jacks or 10 squats? How about drinking a glass or two of water? Do you have 5 minutes to spare for guided meditation? Consider repeating later or tomorrow. Then again the next day and build on that. If you had a pretty fit year,  perhaps there some areas that you can improve on or new-to-you workout programs to try.

No matter where you are in your journey remember to have fun! My word of the month for December 2020 is PLAY. I encourage you to play and experiment with your movement practice. Sometimes, we get so caught up in completing a workout or checking off the number of laps run and forget to find the JOY in what we’re doing.

Speaking of joy, what if we used our imaginations a bit more and applied that to our fitness? That might result in more colorful workout outfits,  a calming and beautiful workout space, or even trying a new workout routine, just because!

Reflecting and Looking Ahead for Fitness’ Sake

What I’m leaving behind:

Escalation of Commitment – Earlier this year I took an online dance course, not once but twice. The sole purpose of taking this course was to bring some much-needed joy into my life. Spoiler alert, this course was not fun. It was very stressful, in large part because it was graded. I got 40 percent on one of my homework assignments. 40!!! Did I quit? Nah, I doubled down and signed up for the course again. Now, on the surface, there is nothing wrong with trying hard. However, the entire point of taking this course was to have fun. I was not having fun.

So why did I keep going? I had committed and wanted good grades. At any other time in my life, these might have been solid reasons not to quit. However, you don’t need a “good reason” to quit anything. And again, my goal wasn’t to get high grades but to find joy through movement.

Moving forward: I’ll hit pause on any fitness practice that isn’t in line with my goals, values, or my energy. And I will do that early and often.

More deets/related note: I’ve studied dance both online and in-person before and had never been graded. That really threw me off. 

Vision for a New Fit Year and Beyond (scroll down for more details)

  1. Workout clothes that spark joy! I’m thinking bright colors & reppin’ Mill Hoy, of course.
  2. New-to-me workout apps, equipment, and programs!
  3. My tried and true workout programs/apps: Millionaire Hoy, SarahBeth Yoga, and KaisaFit.

In addition, to the aforementioned vision, I am working on my new fit year goals (and setting a date to achieve them!). For starters, I want to progress on some long-held goals like mastering standard push-ups and having a “uniform breakfast” (the same healthy, yummy breaky every day).

Your Turn!

Take some time to reflect on the last 365 days of health and fitness. What’s working for you? What are you leaving behind? What new joy can you bring to your fitness journey in the next 365 days? Decide on your goal(s) and set a date! Please DM me and let me know what your new fit year plans are! Looking forward to hearing from you!

May this be your best year yet!!  💕💕

Daily Workout Mood Tracker SnackySays


Millionaire & Tiffany Hoy now have a YouTube Channel together! Hoy Family Fitness!

Click here for my testimonial which Mill Hoy posted to his Instagram. What?!

KaisaFit is now offering a free daily workout! Check it out at

Mentioned in this video:

My Tried and True:

1. Millionaire Hoy’s Holiday HIIT workouts (app only)! UPDATE!! His entire 12 Days of Christmas 2020 Challenge was posted on YouTube! You can also checkout his Turkey Burn Tabata Thanksgiving Workout. For more fun workouts,  check out his YouTube and HoyPro app. I am such a huge fan of Mill Hoy and his workouts. I LOVE his app and highly recommend it.

2. Nappy Headed Jojoba’s blog – where I first saw the phrase “Fitmas

3. SarahBeth Yoga – another of my fav workout apps! You can also find her on YouTube

4. KaisaFit – I own most of her workout programs and can not say enough good things about her mobility series. Check out her website (Black Friday Sale!) and YouTube.

I’ve tried all of the following ladies free Instagram workouts & can’t wait to dive into their paid content:

1. Massy Arias – Instagram and Website (Black Friday Sale!!)

2. Mariela Bravo Fit: Instagram and Website

3. Esther Choi Williams/Gooder Fitness: Instagram and Website

Home Workout Clothes and Equipment I want!

1. Nike sports bra and tights. Inspired by the always fashionable Tiffany Hoy. Check Millionaire Hoy’s Instagram Stories to see their cute, matching workout outfits

2. Bala Power Ring – 10-pound circular weight – great for Russian twists, etc. Click here to watch a demo.

✅ 3. SaraBeth Yoga Mat – reportedly has a great grip and machine washable. 20% off year-round for SaraBeth App members. (Black Friday Sale!!)

1/2021 UPDATE: I loooooove my Sarah Beth Yoga mat! It’s ruined me for all mats. It’s the microsuede feel for me. That is all.

If you’re ready to challenge yourself and work on your body movement goals, work with me! 1:1 Coaching services include Pick My Brain sessions re: establishing home workout routines/systems and also a 30-Day Daily Movement Challenge.

You might also love my 100 Day Skin in the Game Planner/Mini-Course!

You get a 🌺 for reading all the way to the end. I thank you! 🤗

