Considering Taking a Social Media Break

Considering Taking a Social Media Break

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Have you considered taking a social media break or digital detox? In this audio post, I chat about my recent experiments with digital detoxing and how it feels to take a social media break. Hint: It feels refreshing and like being on holiday. No notifications! No social media distractions! YAY!

YOU get to define & design your digital detox. For instance, in my case, once I used my phone to listen to an audiobook (with phone notifications off). Another time, my phone was two rooms away. You might decide that you want to have all electronic devices off or to have an internet-free day, week, or month. It’s totally up to you.

Over the years, I’ve taken a few breaks from social media. Mostly, because it drains my energy and takes up way too much time. Sometimes,  it triggered sadness or comparisons with other entrepreneurs. On the flip side, some of my most treasured friendships started on social media. We’ve since brought our friendships offline and met up in person (pre-pandemic) and via Zoom.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What’s my current relationship with social media?

2.  How do I feel when I am on social media or online (checking email, surfing the net, etc)? What are some of the first emotions that come to mind?

3. What would it feel like if I took a digital detox?

It might be worth considering taking a social media break or doing a digital detox. You might experiment and have fun with it! Please let me know if you try it!

7/28/21 UPDATE:

A couple of days after recording this audio post, I uninstalled the Instagram app on my phone. I still have Instagram on my laptop and check it a few times a week. So far, I spend less than five minutes on Instagram. Interesting. For some reason, it’s not as appealing on the laptop.

I’ve also uninstalled Gmail from my phone. That’s been tougher than not having social media on my phone! Since this original post, I’ve been setting healthy tech habits using resources like:

  1. Leonie Dawson’s – Marketing without Social Media Workshop (watch the YouTube video above for a behind the scenes peek and some tips on how you can create some healthy tech habits starting today!)

2. You Can Get it Done – The Email Course

3.  How to Break Up with Your Phone by Catherine Price


Audio Blog Post Notes

Unlike past audio posts, this one doesn’t include a transcript. As usual, I have included the links to folks, books, apps, etc mentioned below. Please let me know if you prefer the transcripts included with my audio posts.

*BEWARE: there are a of couple cuss words in the audio. 🙉


Cool Creators Not on Social Media:

  1. Leonie Dawson:  “Why Me & My Business Don’t Do Social Media Anymore: The Extended Version
  2. Pamela of Love Merkuri: “Life without Social Media 12 Ways to Combat Boredom”
  3. Alexandra Franzen – “10 Reasons to Quit Social Media” & “This is What My iPhone Screen Looks Like

Apps & Memberships Mentioned:

Magic is You group coaching experience and Passive Income Planner Girl – I’ve made so many friends and business buddies in both Michelle Rohr/Aimee Johanan led groups. When the world opens up I can’t wait for in person meetups and retreats!

Libby App – This app is absolute gold. You can borrow e-books and audio books from your local library. I also borrow books using the Cloud Library app.

Digital Well Being App – I use it in the nighttime – maybe experiment with how you could use it to block notifications and spend time with family or during your work day.

News Feed Eradicator for Facebook – Replaces your time feed with inspiring quotes.

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